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AbstractFunction0 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function without arguments.
AbstractFunction0() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
AbstractFunction1 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of a single argument.
AbstractFunction1() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
AbstractFunction2 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of two arguments.
AbstractFunction2() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
AbstractFunction3 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of three arguments.
AbstractFunction3() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
AbstractFunction4 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of four arguments.
AbstractFunction4() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
AbstractFunction5 - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of five arguments.
AbstractFunction5() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
AbstractFunctionAnyArg - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Abstract function of an arbitrary number of arguments.
AbstractFunctionAnyArg() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
AbstractStateContext - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
An abstract implementation of a state context that delegates state context methods to an underlying table factory and metatable accessor.
AbstractStateContext(TableFactory, MetatableAccessor) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
Constructs a new AbstractStateContext with the specified table factory and metatable accessor.
AbstractStateContext(StateContext) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
Constructs a new AbstractStateContext that delegates to the specified state context stateContext.
add(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua addition of the two numbers a and b.
add(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable.Builder
Sets the value associated with the key key to value.
add(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the addition of two longs, equivalent to the addition of two integers in Lua.
add(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the addition of two doubles, equivalent to the addition of two floats in Lua.
add(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a + b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
add(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a + b, where a and b are numbers.
alwaysPause() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context that always returns true from SchedulingContext.shouldPause(), i.e., that always indicates that the caller should yield.
alwaysPauseFactory() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context factory that always returns SchedulingContexts.alwaysPause().
append(byte) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends the byte b.
append(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends the contents of the byte array array.
append(byte[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends the contents of the byte array array.
append(ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends the contents of the byte string string.
append(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends a char sequence charSequence interpreted as a sequence of bytes using the specified Charset.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Appends the char sequence charSequence interpreted as a sequence of bytes using the virtual machine's default charset (see Charset.defaultCharset()).
Arithmetic - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A representation of one of the two arithmetic modes (integer or float).
arithmeticValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the arithmetic value of the object o, or null if o does not have an arithmetic value.
ArrayByteIterator - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
A byte iterator over byte arrays.
ArrayByteIterator(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ArrayByteIterator
Constructs a new byte iterator of the array bytes.
asInputStream() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns an input stream that reads the contents of this string.
async(Object, Continuation, AsyncTask) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallEventHandler
Callback triggered by a request by the call with the identifier id to be resumed after the task task has been completed.
AsyncTask - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An asynchronous task.
AsyncTask.ContinueCallback - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An interface for notifying the call executor that an asynchronous task is finished.


band(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the bitwise AND of two longs, equivalent to the Lua bitwise AND of two integers.
band(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a & b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
binaryHandlerFor(MetatableProvider, ByteString, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
Returns the metatable entry event for a or in b, or null if neither a nor b has such an entry in their metatable.
bnot(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the bitwise unary NOT of a long, equivalent to the Lua bitwise unary NOT on an integer.
bnot(ExecutionContext, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression ~o, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
booleanValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the boolean value of the object o.
bor(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the bitwise OR of two longs, equivalent to the Lua bitwise OR of two integers.
bor(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a | b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
build() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable.Builder
Constructs and returns a new immutable table based on the contents of this builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable.Builder
Constructs a new empty builder.
Builder(ImmutableTable.Builder) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable.Builder
Constructs a copy of the given builder (a copy constructor).
bxor(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the bitwise exclusive OR of two longs, equivalent to the Lua bitwise exclusive OR of two integers.
bxor(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a ~ b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
byteAt(int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns the byte at position index.
byteIterator() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns an iterator over the bytes in this byte string.
ByteIterator - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.util
An iterator over a sequence of bytes.
ByteString - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Byte string, an immutable sequence of bytes.
ByteStringBuilder - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A builder for byte strings, similar in interface to StringBuilder.
ByteStringBuilder(int) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Constructs a new empty ByteStringBuilder that can hold at least capacity bytes.
ByteStringBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Constructs a new empty ByteStringBuilder.
ByteVector - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
A read-only array of bytes.


call(StateContext, Object, Object...) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Calls fn(args...) in the current thread in the state context stateContext, returning the call result once the call completes.
call(ExecutionContext, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with no arguments.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with a single argument arg1.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with the arguments arg1 and arg2.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with the arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with the arguments arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with the arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5.
call(ExecutionContext, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Calls the object target with the arguments passed in the array args.
CallEventHandler - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
A callback object used to process control-related events during call execution.
CallException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
An exception thrown to indicate an error in the execution of a Lua call.
CallException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallException
Wraps the throwable cause into a CallException.
callIdentifier() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.Continuation
Returns the call identifier, an object that uniquely identifies the computation (an execution run) represented by this continuation.
CallInitialiser - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
An interface for constructing call continuations.
CallPausedException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
An exception thrown by a call executor when a call is paused.
CallPausedException(Continuation) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallPausedException
Constructs a new instance of CallPausedException with the specified continuation.
canonicalRepresentationOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the value o to its canonical representation.
capacity() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Returns the current capacity of the builder.
car - Variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
The head of the list.
cdr - Variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
The tail of the list.
CHAR_BELL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The '\a' character.
CHAR_VERTICAL_TAB - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The '\v' character.
CharsetEncoderByteIterator - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
An incremental charset encoder, encoding a string into bytes lazily.
CharsetEncoderByteIterator(String, Charset, int) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
Constructs a new encoder instance that iterates over string, converting it to bytes using the charset charset.
CharsetEncoderByteIterator(String, Charset) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
Constructs a new encoder instance that iterates over string, converting it to bytes using the charset charset.
Check - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
Static methods for validating inputs.
ChunkClassLoader - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.load
Class loader for Lua chunks.
ChunkClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkClassLoader
Constructs a new ChunkClassLoader with the specified class loader parent as its parent in the class loading hierarchy.
ChunkClassLoader() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkClassLoader
Constructs a new ChunkClassLoader using the class loader that loaded the ChunkClassLoader class as the parent class loader.
ChunkLoader - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.load
Lua chunk loader, an object that converts the textual representation of Lua programs into instances of LuaFunction.
classMap() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.load.CompiledChunk
Returns the contents of this chunk as a map from class names to class files (as byte vectors).
clear() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable.Builder
Clears the builder.
clear() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
compare(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.NumericOrdering
Compare the numbers a and b, yielding an integer that is negative, zero or positive if a is lesser than, equal to, or greater than b.
compare(ByteString, ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.StringOrdering
compareTo(ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Compares this byte string lexicographically with that.
CompiledChunk - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.load
A compiled chunk, consisting of at least one Java class file.
concat(ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a byte string formed by a concatenating this byte string with the byte string other.
concat(String) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a byte string formed by concatenating this byte string with the string other.
concat(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression {@code a ..
concatenate(Cons<T>, Cons<T>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns a cons list obtained by concatenating left and right.
Cons<T> - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
An immutable cons list.
Cons(T, Cons<T>) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Constructs a new cons list.
Cons(T) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Constructs a new list consisting of a single element.
constOf(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a byte string corresponding to the bytes in s as encoded by the default charset in a form suitable for use as a string constant.
contains(byte) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns true if the byte string contains the byte b.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Continuation - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
Reified, resumable control state of a computation.
ConversionException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan
An exception thrown to indicate an unsuccessful value conversion.
ConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.ConversionException
Constructs a new instance with the given error message.
Conversions - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Static methods implementing Lua value conversions.
copyAsCanonicalValues(Object[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns a copy of the array values with all values converted to their canonical representation.
copyAsJavaValues(Object[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns a copy of the array values with all values converted to their Java representation.
copyFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Creates a new byte vectory from a copy of bytes.
copyOf(byte[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a byte string containing a copy of the byte array bytes.
copyOf(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a byte string containing a copy of a slice of the byte array bytes starting at the offset offset and consisting of length bytes.
copyToNewArray() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Copy the contents of this byte vector to a freshly allocated new array.
Coroutine - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A Lua coroutine.
Coroutine.Status - Enum in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Coroutine status.
countDownContextFactory(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context factory that always returns SchedulingContexts.newCountDownContext(long) with the argument max.


decode(Charset) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a string representation of this byte string that uses the specified charset charset to decode characters from bytes.
decode() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a string represented by this byte string decoded using the default charset of the virtual machine.
defaultFactory() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ReturnBuffers
Returns a factory for constructing instances of the default return buffer implementation.
DefaultSavedState - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
A generic, immutable implementation of the suspended state of a function call, used primarily by compiled Lua functions.
DefaultSavedState(int, Object[]) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultSavedState
Constructs a new instance of DefaultSavedState with the specified resumptionPoint and registers.
DefaultTable - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Default implementation of the Lua table storing all key-value pairs in a hashmap.
DefaultTable() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
Constructs a new empty table.
DefaultUserdata - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Default implementation of full userdata.
DefaultUserdata(Table, Object) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultUserdata
Constructs a new instance of this userdata with the specified initial metatable and userValue.
DirectCallExecutor - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
A call executor that executes Lua calls and asynchronous tasks scheduled by these calls in the current thread.
Dispatch - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A static class for dispatching operations according to the semantics of Lua 5.3.
div(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua float division of the two numbers a and b.
div(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the division of two longs, equivalent to the float division of two integers in Lua.
div(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the division of two doubles, equivalent to the float division of two floats in Lua.
div(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a / b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
div(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a / b, where a and b are numbers.
drop(Cons<T>, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns the list cons without the first num elements.


empty() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns an empty byte string.
entrySet() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
eq(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the longs a and b denote the same mathematical value.
eq(long, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the long a denotes the same mathematical value as the double b.
eq(double, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the double a denotes the same mathematical value as the long b.
eq(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the doubles a and b denote the same mathematical value.
eq(T, T) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
Returns true if a is equal to b in this ordering.
eq(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.NumericOrdering
Returns true iff a denotes the same mathematical value as b.
eq(ByteString, ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.StringOrdering
eq(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a == b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
eq(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a == b, where a and b are numbers.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns true if o is a byte string containing the same bytes as this byte string.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Returns true iff o is a byte vector with contents identical to this byte vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns true iff this cons list is equal to the object o.
escape(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns a string esc formed from the character sequence s such that when esc is read by a Lua lexer as a string literal, it evaluates to a string equal to s.
escape(ByteString) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns a string esc formed from the byte string s such that when esc is read by a Lua lexer as a string literal, it evaluates to a byte string equal to s.
execute(Continuation, SchedulingContext, boolean) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Resumes continuation in the current thread in the scheduling context schedulingContext, returning the call result once the call completes.
execute(Continuation, SchedulingContext) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Resumes continuation in the current thread in the scheduling context schedulingContext, returning the call result once the call completes.
execute(Continuation) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Executes continuation in the current thread in a scheduling context that never asks the execution to pause, returning the call result once the call completes.
execute(AsyncTask.ContinueCallback) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AsyncTask
Executes the asynchronous task.
ExecutionContext - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An interface to the execution context of a Lua call.


factory() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
Returns the table factory for constructing instances of DefaultTable.
failed(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallEventHandler
Callback triggered by an abnormal (error) termination of the main function of the call with the identifier id.
FALSE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The byte string representation of false.
findClass(String) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkClassLoader
finished() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AsyncTask.ContinueCallback
Notifies the call executor that the asynchronous task this callback is attached to is finished.
flatten(Cons<Cons<T>>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns a cons list obtained by flattening the list of lists original.
FLOAT - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Float arithmetic.
floatValueOf(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the float value of the number n.
floatValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the float value of the object o, or null if o does not have a float value.
forState(StateContext, ReturnBufferFactory) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.RuntimeCallInitialiser
Returns a new call initialiser for calls executed in the specified state context stateContext that use return buffers initialised by the specified factory returnBufferFactory.
forState(StateContext) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.RuntimeCallInitialiser
Returns a new call initialiser for calls executed in the specified state context stateContext, and using the default return buffer factory (see ReturnBuffers.defaultFactory()).
fromArgs(T...) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Creates a new cons list from the given arguments.
fromArray(T[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Creates a new cons list from the contents of the array elems.
fromList(List<T>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Creates a new cons list from the list list.
fromRaw(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a new byte string corresponding to bytes in s by taking the least significant byte of each character.


get(int) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the idx-th value stored in this buffer, or null if there is no value with the given index idx.
get(int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Returns the index-th element of the byte vector.
get(Cons<T>, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns the idx-th element in the cons list cons, or null if there is no element with such an index in cons.
get(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
get() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Variable
Gets the value stored in this variable.
get0() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the first value stored in this buffer.
get1() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the second value stored in this buffer.
get2() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the third value stored in this buffer.
get3() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the fourth value stored in this buffer.
get4() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the fifth value stored in this buffer.
getAsArray() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the values stored in this buffer as an array.
getBooleanMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getBooleanMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for boolean values, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the boolean type.
getBytes() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a new byte array containing the bytes of this byte string.
getCallTarget() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
If this buffer contains a tail call, returns the target of the call, i.e, the object f to be called with the arguments args as f(args).
getContinuation() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallPausedException
Get the continuation of the paused call.
getCoroutineStatus(Coroutine) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Returns the status of coroutine as seen from the perspective of this execution context.
getCurrentCoroutine() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Returns the current coroutine.
getErrorObject() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.LuaRuntimeException
Returns the error object attached to this exception.
getFirstKey() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Returns the first key in the traversal order.
getFunctionMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getFunctionMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for function values, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the function type.
getLastKey() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Returns the last key in the traversal order.
getLightUserdataMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getLightUserdataMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for light userdata, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to light userdata..
getLuaStyleErrorMessage() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Returns a Lua-style error message for this loader exception.
getMessage() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.LuaRuntimeException
Returns the error object attached to this exception converted to a string.
getMetamethod(ByteString, LuaObject) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
Returns the entry with the key event of the metatable of the LuaObject o.
getMetamethod(MetatableProvider, ByteString, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
Returns the entry with the key event of the metatable of the object o.
getMetatable(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultUserdata
getMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
getMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaObject
Returns the metatable of this object, or null if this object does not have a metatable.
getMetatable(Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for the object instance, or null if this metatable provider does not assign any metatable to instance.
getMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
getNilMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getNilMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for nil (the nil type), or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the nil type.
getNumberMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getNumberMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for number values, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the number type.
getPredecessorOf(K) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Returns the key preceding key in the traversal order, or null if key is the first key in the traversal order.
getReturnBuffer() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Returns the return buffer used in this execution context.
getSourceFileName() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Returns the file name of the program that caused this exception.
getSourceLine() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Returns the line in the source file that caused the exception.
getStringMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getStringMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for string values, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the string type.
getSuccessorOf(K) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Returns the key following key in the traversal order, or null if key is the last key in the traversal order.
getThreadMetatable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
getThreadMetatable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableProvider
Returns the metatable for thread values, or null if this provider does not assign a metatable to the thread type.
getUserValue() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultUserdata
getUserValue() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Userdata
Returns the user value attached to this full userdata.
gt(int, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the integer n is not greater than limit; otherwise, returns n.
gt(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the long n is not greater than limit; otherwise, returns n.


hasExactFloatRepresentation(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the long l can be represented by a double without the loss of precision, i.e.
hasExactIntegerRepresentation(double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the double d can be represented by a long without the loss of precision, i.e.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns the hash code of this byte string.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
hashCode() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
hashCode() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns the hash code of this cons list.
hasNext() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ArrayByteIterator
hasNext() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
Returns true iff the byte stream contains more bytes.


idiv(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua floor division of the two numbers a and b.
idiv(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of floor division of two longs, equivalent to the Lua floor division of two integers.
idiv(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of floor division of two doubles, equivalent to the Lua floor division of two floats:
idiv(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a // b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
idiv(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a // b, where a and b are numbers.
IllegalCoroutineStateException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An exception thrown by the call executor when attempting to resume a non-resumable coroutine or to yield from a non-yieldable coroutine.
IllegalCoroutineStateException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.IllegalCoroutineStateException
Constructs a new instance of IllegalCoroutineStateException with the given error message.
IllegalOperationAttemptException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An exception thrown by the runtime when an attempt to perform an illegal operation is made.
IllegalOperationAttemptException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.IllegalOperationAttemptException
Constructs a new IllegalOperationAttemptException with the given error message.
IllegalOperationAttemptException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.IllegalOperationAttemptException
Constructs a new IllegalOperationAttemptException with cause as the cause of this error.
ImmutableTable - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
An immutable table.
ImmutableTable.Builder - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Builder class for constructing instances of ImmutableTable.
index(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression table[key] (in non-assignment context) including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
index(ExecutionContext, Table, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression table[key] (in non-assignment context) including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
index(ExecutionContext, Table, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression table[key] (in non-assignment context) including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
INF - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The byte string representation of infinity.
initialKey() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
initialKey() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
initialKey() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Returns the initial key for iterating through the set of keys in this table.
inRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the integer n is outside of the range [min, max] (inclusive); otherwise, returns n.
install(CompiledChunk) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkClassLoader
Installs the compiled chunk chunk into this chunk class loader, returning the class name of the main class in chunk.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.PlainValueTypeNamer
A static instance of this value type namer.
INTEGER - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Integer arithmetic.
integerValueOf(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the integer value of the number n, or null if n does not have an integer value.
integerValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the integer value of the object o, or null if o does not have an integer value.
InvalidContinuationException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
An exception thrown to indicate that an attempt to resume a continuation has failed because the continuation object is invalid.
InvalidContinuationException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.exec.InvalidContinuationException
Constructs a new instance of InvalidContinuationException with the given message.
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.UnimplementedFunction
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction0
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction1
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction2
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction3
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction4
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunction5
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.AbstractFunctionAnyArg
invoke(ExecutionContext) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context without arguments.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with a single argument arg1.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with two arguments, arg1 and arg2.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with three arguments, arg1, arg2 and arg3.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with four arguments, arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with five arguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5.
invoke(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
Invokes this function in the given execution context context with the call arguments stored in the array args.
isBoolean(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua boolean.
isCall() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns true iff this buffer contains a tail call.
isCurrent() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.OneShotContinuation
Returns true if this continuation is current, i.e., can be resumed.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns true iff this byte string is empty, i.e., if the number of bytes it contains is 0.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
isEq(T, T) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if a != b; otherwise, returns a.
isEq(int, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if a != b; otherwise, returns a.
isFalse(boolean) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if b is true.
isFloat(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua float.
isFullUserdata(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is full userdata.
isFunction(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua function.
isInMainCoroutine() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Returns true if the current coroutine (as returned by ExecutionContext.getCurrentCoroutine()) is the main coroutine.
isInstalled(String) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkClassLoader
Returns true if the Lua function class with the given className has been installed into this ChunkClassLoader or has already been loaded by it.
isInteger(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua integer.
isKeyword(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns true iff the string s is a keyword in Lua.
isLightUserdata(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff the object o is light userdata.
isNil(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is nil.
isNumber(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua number.
isPartialInputError() - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Returns true if this LoaderException was caused by an unexpected EOF when processing the Lua program.
isRawEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
Returns true iff the object a is raw-equal to b following the Lua equality rules.
isString(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua string.
isTable(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff the object o is a Lua table.
isThread(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff the object o is a Lua thread.
isTrue(boolean) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if b is false.
isUserdata(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns true iff o is a Lua userdata.
isValidName(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns true iff the string s is a valid Lua name.


javaRepresentationOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the value o in its Java representation.


keySet() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap


le(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the long a is lesser than or equal to the mathematical value of the long b.
le(long, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the long a is lesser than or equal to the mathematical value of the double b.
le(double, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the double a is lesser than or equal to the mathematical value of the long b.
le(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the double a is lesser than or equal to the mathematical value of the double b.
le(T, T) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
Returns true if a is lesser than or equal to b in this ordering.
le(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.NumericOrdering
Returns true iff the mathematical value denoted by a is lesser than or equal to the mathematical value denoted by b.
le(ByteString, ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.StringOrdering
le(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a <= b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
le(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a <= b, where a and b are numbers.
le(String, String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a <= b, where a and b are strings.
len(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression #s, where s is a string.
len(ExecutionContext, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression #o, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
length() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns the length of this byte string, i.e., the number of bytes it contains.
length() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Returns the number of bytes in this builder.
length(Cons<?>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns the length of the cons list cons.
LoaderException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.load
An exception thrown when loading Lua chunks to indicate that the input cannot be parsed, compiled or loaded as a function.
LoaderException(Throwable, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Constructs a new LoaderException with the specified cause, the file name sourceFileName, the line sourceLine where the error occurred, and indicating in the flag partialInput whether the cause of the error may have been caused by a partial input (i.e., an unexpected EOF).
LoaderException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.load.LoaderException
Constructs a new LoaderException without line information or the indication that the cause of this error may have been a partial input.
loadTextChunk(Variable, String, String) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.load.ChunkLoader
Loads the text chunk chunk (a string containing a Lua program) and returns it as an instance of LuaFunction, supplying env as the chunk's sole upvalue.
lt(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the long a is lesser than the mathematical value of the long b.
lt(long, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the long a is lesser than the mathematical value of the double b.
lt(double, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the double a is lesser than the mathematical value of the long b.
lt(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns true iff the mathematical value of the double a is lesser than the mathematical value of the double b.
lt(T, T) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
Returns true if a is lesser than b in this ordering.
lt(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.NumericOrdering
Returns true iff the mathematical value denoted by a is lesser than the mathematical value denoted by b.
lt(ByteString, ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering.StringOrdering
lt(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a < b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
lt(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a < b, where a and b are numbers.
lt(String, String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a < b, where a and b are strings.
lt(int, int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the integer n is not lesser than limit; otherwise, returns n.
lt(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the long n is not lesser than limit; otherwise, returns n.
LuaFormat - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Static methods for parsing and generating lexical strings following the Lua lexical conventions.
LuaFunction - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An abstract function object.
LuaFunction() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.LuaFunction
LuaMathOperators - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A collection of static methods for performing the equivalents of Lua's arithmetic, bitwise and numerical comparison operations.
LuaObject - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Base class of objects that have a metatable attached to them on a per-instance basis.
LuaObject() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaObject
LuaRuntimeException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan
Base class for runtime exceptions that carry arbitrary error objects attached to them.
LuaRuntimeException(Object) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.LuaRuntimeException
Constructs a new LuaRuntimeException with errorObject as its error object.
LuaRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.LuaRuntimeException
Constructs a new LuaRuntimeException with cause as its cause.
LuaType - Enum in net.sandius.rembulan
An enum representing a Lua type.
luaTypeToName(LuaType) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.PlainValueTypeNamer
Returns the name (a string) of a given Lua type.


mainClassName() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.load.CompiledChunk
Returns the name of the main class of this compiled chunk.
MetatableAccessor - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan
A metatable accessor, an interface for getting and setting object metatables.
MetatableProvider - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan
An interface for obtaining value metatables.
Metatables - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Metatable keys and utilities.
mod(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua modulo of the two numbers a and b.
mod(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the floor modulus of two longs, equivalent to the modulus of two integers in Lua.
mod(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the floor modulus of two doubles, equivalent to the modulus of two floats in Lua.
mod(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a % b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
mod(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a % b, where a and b are numbers.
MT_ADD - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__add".
MT_BAND - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__band".
MT_BNOT - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__bnot".
MT_BOR - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__bor".
MT_BXOR - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__bxor".
MT_CALL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__call".
MT_CONCAT - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__concat".
MT_DIV - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__div".
MT_EQ - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__eq".
MT_IDIV - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__idiv".
MT_INDEX - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__index".
MT_LE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__le".
MT_LEN - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__len".
MT_LT - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__lt".
MT_MOD - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__mod".
MT_MODE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__mode".
MT_MUL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__mul".
MT_NEWINDEX - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__newindex".
MT_POW - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__pow".
MT_SHL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__shl".
MT_SHR - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__shr".
MT_SUB - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__sub".
MT_UNM - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Metatables
The metatable key "__unm".
mul(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua multiplication of the two numbers a and b.
mul(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the multiplication of two longs, equivalent to the multiplication of two integers in Lua.
mul(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the multiplication of two doubles, equivalent to the multiplication of two floats in Lua.
mul(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a * b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
mul(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a * b, where a and b are numbers.


NAN - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The byte string representation of NaN.
neq(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a != b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
net.sandius.rembulan - package net.sandius.rembulan
Contains the base classes and interfaces for Lua types and conversions between them.
net.sandius.rembulan.exec - package net.sandius.rembulan.exec
Provides a high-level execution interface to the runtime based on continuations.
net.sandius.rembulan.impl - package net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Contains the default data structure implementations and support classes.
net.sandius.rembulan.load - package net.sandius.rembulan.load
Provides interfaces for loading Lua programs into the runtime.
net.sandius.rembulan.runtime - package net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
Provides the core runtime functionality.
net.sandius.rembulan.util - package net.sandius.rembulan.util
Contains general-purpose utility classes.
neverPause() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context that always returns false from SchedulingContext.shouldPause(), i.e., that never indicates that the caller should yield.
neverPauseFactory() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context factory that always returns SchedulingContexts.neverPause().
newCall(Object, Object...) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallInitialiser
Returns the Lua call fn(args...) reified as a continuation.
newCall(Object, Object...) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.RuntimeCallInitialiser
newCopy(TableFactory) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Returns a new table constructed using the supplied tableFactory, and copies the contents of this table to it.
newCoroutine(LuaFunction) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Returns a new coroutine with the body function.
newCountDownContext(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.SchedulingContexts
Returns a scheduling context with an internal tick counter (initialised to max).
newDefaultInstance() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.StateContexts
Returns a new state context with the default table factory and the default (empty) metatable accessor.
newDefaultReturnBuffer() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ReturnBuffers
Returns a new instance of the default return buffer implementation.
newExecutor() - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Returns a new direct call executor with a scheduler that never requests executions to be paused.
newExecutor(SchedulingContextFactory) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Returns a new direct call executor with the specified scheduling context factory used to instantiate a new scheduling context on each resume.
newExecutorWithTickLimit(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Returns a new direct call executor that uses that asks each continuation it resumes to pause after it has registered ticksLimit ticks.
newInstance(TableFactory, MetatableAccessor) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.StateContexts
Returns a new state context with the specified table factory tableFactory and the metatable accessor metatableAccessor.
newInstance() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBufferFactory
Returns a new ReturnBuffer instance.
newInstance() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.SchedulingContextFactory
Returns a new scheduling context.
newIterator(Cons<T>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns a new iterator on the cons list cons.
newTable() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
newTable(int, int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
newTable() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.TableFactory
Creates a new empty table.
newTable(int, int) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.TableFactory
Creates a new empty table with the given initial capacities for its array and hash parts.
next() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ArrayByteIterator
next() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
Returns the next byte from the byte stream and increments the byte position.
nextByte() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ArrayByteIterator
nextByte() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteIterator
Returns the next byte from the sequence and increments the byte position.
nextByte() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
NIL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The byte string representation of nil.
NoIntegerRepresentationException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan
An exception thrown to indicate an unsuccessful conversion of a number to an integer, i.e., when a number has no integer representation.
NoIntegerRepresentationException() - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.NoIntegerRepresentationException
Constructs a new instance of NoIntegerRepresentationException.
nonNegative(int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the integer n is negative; otherwise, returns n.
nonNegative(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the long n is negative; otherwise, returns n.
NonsuspendableFunctionException - Exception in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Exception thrown to indicate that a function is not suspendable.
NonsuspendableFunctionException(Class<? extends LuaFunction>) - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.impl.NonsuspendableFunctionException
Constructs a new instance of NonsuspendableFunctionException with the argument clazz indicating the class of the function (for inclusion in the error message).
NonsuspendableFunctionException() - Constructor for exception net.sandius.rembulan.impl.NonsuspendableFunctionException
Constructs a new instance of NonsuspendableFunctionException without indicating the function class.
normaliseKey(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Normalises the number n so that it may be used as a key in a Lua table.
normaliseKey(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Normalises the argument o so that it may be used safely as a key in a Lua table.
notNaN(double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the double n is NaN; otherwise, returns n.
NUMERIC - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
A static instance of the numeric ordering.
numericalValueOf(ByteString) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the numerical value of the string s, or null if s does not have a numerical value.
numericalValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the numerical value of the object o, or null if o does not have a numerical value.


of(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Return an arithmetic based on the concrete types of the arguments a and b.
of(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Return an arithmetic based on the concrete type of the argument n.
of(String, Charset) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a new byte string corresponding to the bytes in s as encoded by the specified charset.
of(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a new byte string corresponding to the bytes in s as encoded by the default charset (Charset.defaultCharset()).
of(Iterable<Map.Entry<Object, Object>>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Returns an ImmutableTable based on the contents of the sequence of map entries entries.
of(Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Returns an ImmutableTable based on the contents of the map map.
of(Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
Based on the actual types of the arguments a and b, returns the ordering in which a and b can be compared, or null if they are not comparable.
OneShotContinuation - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.exec
A one-shot continuation, i.e., a continuation that may be resumed at most once.
Ordering<T> - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A representation of an ordering on values, allowing the comparison of values of the same type (in the type parameter T).
Ordering.NumericOrdering - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Numeric ordering.
Ordering.StringOrdering - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
String ordering.


parseFloat(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Parses the string s as a float according to the Lua lexer rules.
parseInteger(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Parses the string s as an integer according to the Lua lexer rules.
pause() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
(Unconditionally) pauses the execution.
paused(Object, Continuation) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallEventHandler
Callback triggered when the execution of the call with the identifier id is paused.
pauseIfRequested() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Pauses the execution if the according to the scheduler this call should be paused.
PlainValueTypeNamer - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A value type namer that uses a fixed mapping from types to type names.
PlainValueTypeNamer() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.PlainValueTypeNamer
positive(int) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the integer n is not positive; otherwise, returns n.
positive(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Check
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the long n is not positive; otherwise, returns n.
pow(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua exponentiation of the two numbers a and b.
pow(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the exponentiation of two longs, equivalent to the Lua exponentiation of two integers.
pow(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the exponentiation of two doubles, equivalent to Lua exponentiation of two floats.
pow(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a ^ b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
pow(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a ^ b, where a and b are numbers.
prepend(Cons<T>) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Prepend the list prefix to this cons list.
printLuaFormatStackTraceback(PrintStream, ChunkClassLoader, String[]) - Method in exception net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallException
Prints a stack traceback formatted similarly to the PUC-Lua stack traceback.
ProtectedResumable - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An interface for resuming suspended protected Lua function calls.
put(K, V) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
putTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Puts the contents of this byte string to the specified buffer.


rawget(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
rawget(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
rawget(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Retrieves the value associated with the given key, returning null when key has no value associated with it.
rawget(long) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Retrieves the value associated with the given integer idx, returning null when idx has no value associated with it.
rawlen() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
If this table is a sequence, returns the length of this sequence.
rawset(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
rawset(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, since this table is immutable.
rawset(long, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, since this table is immutable.
rawset(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Sets the value associated with the key key to value.
rawset(long, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Sets the value associated with the integer key idx to value.
registers() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultSavedState
Returns a copy of the register state stored in this saved state, or null if the register state array stored in this saved state was null.
registerTicks(int) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Informs the scheduler that the current task is about to consume or has consumed ticks virtual ticks.
registerTicks(int) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.SchedulingContext
Informs the scheduler that the current task is about to consume or has consumed ticks virtual ticks.
remove() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ArrayByteIterator
remove() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.CharsetEncoderByteIterator
Always throws an UnsupportedOperationException, since this is a read-only iterator.
remove(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
replace(ByteString, ByteString) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Replaces all occurrences of the byte string target in this byte string with the replacement replacement.
resolve(Resumable, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.UnresolvedControlThrowable
Resolves this control throwable by prepending a call frame to it.
ResolvedControlThrowable - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A throwable used for non-local control flow changes, containing a complete (resolved) Lua call stack information all the way to the stack top.
Resumable - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An interface for resuming suspended Lua function calls.
resume(CallEventHandler, SchedulingContext) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.Continuation
Resumes the continuation with the given event handler handler in the scheduling context schedulingContext.
resume(Continuation) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Resumes continuation in the current thread, returning the call result once the call completes.
resume(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.UnimplementedFunction
resume(Coroutine, Object[]) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Resumes the given coroutine coroutine, passing the arguments args to it.
resume(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Resumable
Resumes this resumable in the given execution context context, passing the suspended state suspendedState to it.
resumeAfter(AsyncTask) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Resumes the current call after the asynchronous task task has been completed.
resumeError(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ProtectedResumable
Resumes this protected resumable in the given execution context context, passing the suspended state suspendedState and an error object error to it.
resumptionPoint() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultSavedState
Returns the resumption point stored in this saved state.
ReturnBuffer - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A buffer used to store and retrieve the results of function calls and Lua operations initiated via the Dispatch methods.
ReturnBufferFactory - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A factory for constructing new ReturnBuffer instances.
ReturnBuffers - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Static factory for instantiating return buffers.
returned(Object, Object[]) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.exec.CallEventHandler
Callback triggered by the normal termination of the main function of the call with the identifier id.
RuntimeCallInitialiser - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
The default implementation of a call initialiser.


SchedulingContext - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
An interface to the cooperative scheduler used in executing Lua programs.
schedulingContextFactory() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.exec.DirectCallExecutor
Returns the scheduling context factory used by this executor.
SchedulingContextFactory - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A factory for instances of SchedulingContext.
SchedulingContexts - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Static factory for instantiating scheduling contexts.
set(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Variable
Sets the value stored in this variable to value.
setBooleanMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setBooleanMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for the boolean type.
setByteAt(int, byte) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Sets the byte at position index to value.
setFunctionMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setFunctionMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for the function type.
setindex(ExecutionContext, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Executes the Lua statement table[key] = value, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
setindex(ExecutionContext, Table, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Executes the Lua statement table[key] = value, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
setindex(ExecutionContext, Table, long, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Executes the Lua statement table[key] = value, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
setLength(int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Sets the number of bytes in this builder to newLength.
setLightUserdataMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setLightUserdataMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for light userdata.
setMetatable(Object, Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultUserdata
setMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, since this table is immutable.
setMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaObject
Sets the metatable of this object to mt.
setMetatable(Object, Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable of the object instance to table.
setMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Sets the metatable of this table to mt.
setMode(boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
setMode(boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
setMode(boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Sets the weakness of this table.
setNilMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setNilMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for nil (i.e., the nil type) to table.
setNumberMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setNumberMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for the number type.
setStringMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setStringMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for the string type.
setThreadMetatable(Table) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.AbstractStateContext
setThreadMetatable(Table) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.MetatableAccessor
Sets the metatable for the thread type.
setTo() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to the empty sequence.
setTo(Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to a single value.
setTo(Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to two values.
setTo(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to three values.
setTo(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to four values.
setTo(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to five values.
setToCall(Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target without arguments.
setToCall(Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with a single argument arg1.
setToCall(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the arguments arg1 and arg2.
setToCall(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3.
setToCall(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the arguments arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4.
setToCall(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5.
setToCallWithContentsOf(Object, Object[]) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the contents of the array args used as call arguments.
setToCallWithContentsOf(Object, Collection<?>) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result in this buffer to a tail call of target with the contents of the collection args used as call arguments.
setToContentsOf(Object[]) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to the contents of array.
setToContentsOf(Collection<?>) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Sets the result value in this buffer to the contents of collection, in the order given by collection's iterator().
setUserValue(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultUserdata
setUserValue(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Userdata
Sets the user value attached to this full userdata to value, returning the old user value.
shl(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the (bitwise) logical left shift, equivalent to the Lua bitwise left shift on two integers.
shl(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a << b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
shouldPause() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.SchedulingContext
Polls the scheduler, returning true if the current task should be paused.
shr(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the (bitwise) logical right shift, equivalent to the Lua bitwise right shift on two integers.
shr(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a >> b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
signed_le(Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns true iff a op b, where op is "<=" (lesser than or equal to) if sign > 0, or ">=" (greater than or equal to) if sign < 0.
size() - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ReturnBuffer
Returns the number of values stored in this buffer.
size() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Returns the length of the byte vector (i.e., the length of the underlying array).
size() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
startsWith(byte) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns true if the first byte of this byte string is b.
StateContext - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan
A global context holding shared metatables and providing methods for instantiating new tables.
StateContexts - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
Static factories for state contexts.
STRING - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.Ordering
A static instance of the string ordering.
stringValueOf(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the string value of the number n.
stringValueOf(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the string value of the object o, or null if o does not have a string value.
sub(Number, Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua subtraction of the two numbers a and b.
sub(long, long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the subtraction of two longs, equivalent to the subtraction of two integers in Lua.
sub(double, double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the subtraction of two doubles, equivalent to the subtraction of two floats in Lua.
sub(ExecutionContext, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression a - b, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
sub(Number, Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression a - b, where a and b are numbers.
substring(int, int) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a substring of this byte string starting at position start (inclusive), ending at position end (exclusive).
successorKeyOf(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.DefaultTable
successorKeyOf(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.ImmutableTable
successorKeyOf(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
Returns the next key for iterating through the set of keys in this table.


Table - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
An abstract class representing a Lua table.
Table() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
TableFactory - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan
A factory for Table instances.
toByteString() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Returns a byte string consisting of the bytes in this builder.
toByteString(boolean) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format byte string representation of the boolean value b as a byte string.
toByteString(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format byte string representation of the integer value l.
toByteString(double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format byte string representation of the float value f.
toCanonicalNumber(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the number n in its canonical representation, i.e.
toCanonicalValues(Object[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Modifies the contents of the array values by converting all values to their canonical representations.
toErrorMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Converts a Throwable t to an error message (a byte string).
toErrorObject(Throwable) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Converts a Throwable t to an error object.
toHumanReadableString(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Converts the object o to a human-readable string format.
toIntegerValue(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the integer value of the number n, throwing a NoIntegerRepresentationException if n does not have an integer value.
toIntegerValue(Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the integer value of the object o, throwing a NoIntegerRepresentationException if o does not have an integer value.
toJavaValues(Object[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Modifies the contents of the array values by converting all values to their Java representations.
toNumericalValue(Object, String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Conversions
Returns the numerical value of o, throwing a ConversionException if o does not have a numerical value.
toRawString() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns a string in which all characters are directly mapped to the bytes in this byte string by treating them as unsigned integers.
toString() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Returns the interpretation of this byte string as a Java string.
toString() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Returns the interpretation of this builder's bytes as a java.lang.String.
toString(boolean) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format string representation of the boolean value b.
toString(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format string representation of the integer value l.
toString(double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Returns the Lua format string representation of the float value f.
toString(Cons<?>, String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.Cons
Returns the string representation of the list cons, using the toString() method to convert each element of cons to string and inserting separator between each pair.
TraversableHashMap<K,V> - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.util
A hashmap similar in functionality to LinkedHashMap, with the additional accessor methods for successor and predecessor keys.
TraversableHashMap() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
Constructs a new empty map.
trimToSize() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteStringBuilder
Attempts to reduce the memory consumption of this builder by reducing its capacity to a smaller, yet still sufficient value.
TRUE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
The byte string representation of true.
tryParseFloat(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Parses s as a float following the Lua lexer rules.
tryParseInteger(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Parses s as an integer following the Lua lexer rules.
tryParseNumeral(String) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Parses s as a number following the Lua lexer rules.
TYPENAME_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua boolean type.
TYPENAME_FUNCTION - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua function type.
TYPENAME_NIL - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua nil type.
TYPENAME_NUMBER - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua number type.
TYPENAME_STRING - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua string type.
TYPENAME_TABLE - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua table type.
TYPENAME_THREAD - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua thread type.
TYPENAME_USERDATA - Static variable in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaFormat
Byte string representation of the Lua userdata type.
typeNameOf(Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.PlainValueTypeNamer
typeNameOf(Object) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.ValueTypeNamer
Returns the type name (a byte string) of the value instance.
typeOf(Object) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns the Lua type of the object o.


UnimplementedFunction - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.impl
A function that throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked, for use as a placeholder for unimplemented functions.
UnimplementedFunction(String) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.UnimplementedFunction
Constructs a new instance of UnimplementedFunction with the given name for error reporting.
UnimplementedFunction() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.impl.UnimplementedFunction
Constructs a new instance of UnimplementedFunction without a name for error reporting.
unm(Number) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Arithmetic
Returns the boxed result of the Lua arithmetic negation of the number n.
unm(long) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the (arithmetic) negation of a long, equivalent to the Lua unary minus on an integer.
unm(double) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.LuaMathOperators
Returns the result of the (arithmetic) negation of a long, equivalent to the Lua unary minus on a float.
unm(ExecutionContext, Object) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Evaluates the Lua expression -a, including the handling of metamethods, and stores the result to the return buffer associated with context.
unm(Number) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Dispatch
Returns the value of the Lua expression -n, where n is a number.
UnresolvedControlThrowable - Class in net.sandius.rembulan.runtime
A throwable used for non-local control flow changes, containing an incomplete (unresolved) Lua call stack without the bottom-most frame.
updateBasetableModes(Object, Object) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.Table
If key is equal to Metatables.MT_MODE, updates the weakness of the tables that use this table as their metatable (i.e., the basetables of this table).
Userdata - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
Full userdata.
Userdata() - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.Userdata


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Coroutine.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.LuaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.Coroutine.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.TraversableHashMap
ValueTypeNamer - Interface in net.sandius.rembulan
A mapping from values to a string representation of their type.
Variable - Class in net.sandius.rembulan
A reified variable.
Variable(Object) - Constructor for class net.sandius.rembulan.Variable
Creates a new variable instance with the given initial value.


wrap(byte[]) - Static method in class net.sandius.rembulan.util.ByteVector
Wraps the byte array bytes into a byte vector.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class net.sandius.rembulan.ByteString
Writes the contents of this byte string to the specified stream.


yield(Object[]) - Method in interface net.sandius.rembulan.runtime.ExecutionContext
Yields control to the coroutine resuming the current coroutine, passing the arguments args to it.
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